The Let It Be Stories
Here are just a handful of families impacted by The Let It Be Foundation.
The Bernal Family
“We are forever grateful to TLIBF for the love, support and generosity poured out on not just our son Adolpho, but our whole family. They showed us how to turn the most difficult of seasons into lasting family memories and they continued with us all the way to very end. They’re more than just a foundation, they’re family.”
The Tidwell Family
“We learned very early on in our son’s cancer journey that the diagnosis affected the entire family unit. Everything about our lives changed dramatically overnight. While we were incredibly grateful for all the support our son received from various foundations, Let It Be was the only foundation we found that really takes care of the WHOLE family. This has been an immense blessing during a time where our main focus has been the health of our son—often at the detriment of our own physical, mental and emotional health. Let It Be has taken care of us when we were unable to take care of ourselves. And for that, we will be forever grateful.”
The Romo Family
“During the worst time in our lives, Let It Be embraced our family with open arms and tender care. Let It Be has a special place in our hearts.”
The Story Family
“The Let It Be Foundation was incredible to our family during Olivia’s 2 1/2 years of treatment. We have never felt so much love and support from others who had just met us. Olivia’s treatment was already difficult but even worse, it happened during Covid. Even with all the bumps in the road, Let It Be was there to help with housekeeping, dinners every other week and making sure birthdays and special occasions were not missed. Olivia loved receiving cards with warm heart felt messages from the team and youth group. It really made Olivia and our family feel like we had an army behind us and outpouring of love we received was indescribable. We love you Let It Be Foundation! Thank you for all you have done for our family!”
The Carney Family
“The Let it Be Foundation staff and youth leadership have become like family to us in what has been the most difficult trials in our lives. When our son was originally diagnosed with Leukemia they quickly swooped our family up and began caring for us in ways we didn’t know we would need. Their loving service toward our family has changed our lives for the better. Between housekeeping services, meal deliveries, holiday gift baskets, words of encouragement and their friendship, they have brought us much joy. When our son finished treatment in 2021 they celebrated Mikah is such a beautiful way and now again when he relapsed in 2022 they have come back along side us again to see Mikah beat cancer for the 2nd time. I believe without a doubt that our son’s cancer journey would be even more tragic if it was not for the love and care they have shown our entire family. ”
The Rosell Family
“The Let It Be organization was a gift to our family. Often times, organizations focus on your warrior child but Let It be supported all my children knowing that cancer affects the whole family. They helped celebrate and cheer us on through a journey that often times can be lonely and difficult. We felt a part of their family and still do. No one wishes to ever go through watching your child battle cancer but we are forever blessed and grateful for the angels like Let It Be, who choose to walk through this journey with us. ”
Because of our generous donors and volunteers, we have touched the lives of thousands of families since we started The Let It Be Foundation.
“Never Give Up”
How to Find Hope and Purpose in Adversity