The Let It Be Foundation
There’s Hope
Help us support the entire family throughout their child’s treatment. We’re stronger together.
Thousands of Families Touched by Let It Be
All thanks to your love and support.
Where It All Started
Hear the story of how one mom’s grief changed the future for so many.
♥ Some of Our Current Fighters ♥
Help Us Make a Difference.
We’re not just another foundation. We care for an entire family, not just their sick child during the length of medical treatment. A family’s income level is not a qualifying factor in determining if they are eligible. Without love and encouragement, the disease can become the focus of their existence.

Hear our Stories
The Let It Be Families
“We are forever grateful to TLIBF for the love, support and generosity poured out on not just our son Adolpho, but our whole family. They showed us how to turn the most difficult of seasons into lasting family memories and they continued with us all the way to very end. They’re more than just a foundation, they’re family.”
See The Stories.
Make a Difference.
“Give it to God and Let It Be”
Our Foundation is Hope.
Karla was only fourteen years old when she was diagnosed with cancer. It’s because of Karla’s faith that The Let It Be Foundation exists today. Her light drives our mission to provide ongoing support and services to families of children diagnosed with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses throughout the sick child’s treatment, with a focus on the entire family.
"Life-threatening medical conditions cause abrupt changes in the life of a family"
The Let It Be Events
Check Out Our Upcoming, Fun-Filled Events

We all have something to offer.
When we pull together with a common goal and take action, we can help many people. See how you can get involved with The Let It Be Foundation.